Parent Code of Conduct

Encourage And Support

  1. I will encourage, but not force, my child to participate in sports.
  2. I will try my best to help the HFCA any way possible as I understand it is an all-volunteer organization in constant need of volunteers.
  3. I will make every effort possible to get my child to all games/practices -- and to be on time. I will communicate to the coach when we will be late or absent. I understand that TeamSnap is the best way to do this.
  4. I will inform the coach of any ailment that may affect the safety of my child or others.
  5. I will learn the rules of the game and policies of the league.
  6. I will remember that children participate to have fun and to learn, and that the game is for youth -- not adults. I will promote the emotional and physical well being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for winning.
  7. I will teach my child that doing one's best, competing fairly, and skill development are more important than winning. I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard.
  8. I will teach my child to be humble in victory, and courteous in defeat.

Conduct During Events/Games

  1. I will never ridicule or speak negatively at any player. I will always be supportive. I will only raise my voice to positively encourage or cheer.
  2. I will not coach any player during games and practices.
  3. I will keep any negative opinion about the coaches to myself.
  4. If I have a problem with a coach, I will never question or confront him/her at the field. I will instead request a meeting to discuss the situation. I will observe the "24-Hour Rule" to allow a "cool down" period so emotions can be controlled.
  5. I will not make verbal or physical threats/abuse toward any player, coach, official, parent, or HFCA Board member. I will never invade their personal space, touch them, or yell at them.
  6. I will never enter the field -- unless invited by the official or coach to come to the aid of my child in case of injury.
  7. I will demand that my child always treat other players, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect. I will teach my child to never resort to hostility or violence.
  8. I (and my guests) will always be a positive role model and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials, and spectators.
  9. I (and my guests) will always respect the officials regardless of how a game is being officiated. We will never criticize/question or "educate" them. We will accept their calls as we understand they are making calls as best they can.
  10. I (and my guests) will not boo, taunt, or use profane language or gestures. We will always be respectful.
  11. I (and my guests) will not use drugs, tobacco, and alcohol at HFCA events.
  12. I (and my guests) will respect the facilities we use and follow all rules. We will clean up after ourselves before leaving.
USA Football

event: 710

Parental Pledge

I understand that failure to adhere to the above rules (or poor personal conduct outside the HFCA) will result in a review by the Hillsdale Hawks Football and Cheer Association Board of Directors, which may result in disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following:

  • A Warning.
  • Removal from a game.
  • Suspension from future games.
  • Season suspension.
  • Permanent ban.


I understand that I have the right to appeal any disciplinary action decided against me.